SEMI - ترجمة إلى إنجليزي
قاموس على الإنترنت

SEMI - ترجمة إلى إنجليزي

Semi (disambiguation)



разговорное выражение

полупогружная буровая платформа

полупогружное буровое основание



общая лексика

([сокр.] от semidetached house) [разг.]

одноквартирный дом

имеющий общую стену с соседним домом



студент второго курса университета

собирательное выражение

одноквартирный дом, имеющий общую стену с соседним домом






общая лексика

Ассоциация Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International

Международная ассоциация производителей полупроводникового оборудования и материалов, ассоциация SEMI

semi noun coll. 1) одноквартирный дом, имеющий общую стену с соседним домом 2) sport полуфинал


¦ noun (plural semis) informal
1. Brit. a semi-detached house.
2. a semi-final.
3. N. Amer. a semi-trailer.



Semi- is a numerical prefix meaning "half". The prefix alone is often used as an abbreviation when the rest of the word (the thing which half of is being described) is clear from context.

Semi or SEMI may refer to:

  • Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI)
  • Semiconductor industry, also known as semi or semis in financial news
  • Semi-automatic firearm
  • Semi-detached house, a type of housing
  • Semi-erection, a partial erection when the penis is enlarged but not fully erect
  • Semi-final, of a knockout competition
  • Semi-formal, (esp. high school) dance
  • Semi Ojeleye (born 1994), American basketball player
  • Semiquaver, the time interval in music, which is half the length of a quaver
  • Semi-submersible, a watercraft which operates mostly submerged
  • Semi-trailer truck (UK: articulated lorry), a truck design of a tractor vehicle pulling semi-trailers
    • Semi-trailer, a trailer with wheels at the rear end only
    • Tractor unit (semi truck engine), the motortruck engine drive unit vehicle that pulls the trailers
      • Tesla Semi, vehicle by Tesla, Inc. ; an electric vehicle based tractor unit that pulls trailers
    • Road train, an extreme version of the semi truck train of trailers
  • Goo Semi, member of South Korean girlgroup Cignature
أمثلة النطق لـ٪ 1
1. semi-finals.
The Billionaire and The Mechanic _ Julian Guthrie & Joseph Ozanne _ Talks at Google
2. on semi-log curves.
3. involves semi-skilled work.
Age of Discovery _ Professor Ian Goldin _ Talks at Google
4. a semi-public person.
Telling Queer Stories _ Kathy Tu & Tobin Low _ Talks at Google
5. It's semi-transparent.
Light in Still Life Photography _ Alex Koloskov _ Talks at Google
أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Taiwan has a semi–presidential, semi–parliamentarian system of government in which the premier is responsible for domestic policies.
2. It is a semi–anarchic, semi–oligarchic situation, with the addition of Qassam rockets, rifles and antitank missiles.
3. He needs to go to the semi–finals to prove that he can beat Federer in a semi–final.
4. Greenland is a semi–independent Danish territory.
5. Fink said one semi was turning onto a road from state Highway 26 when it was rear–ended by another semi and pushed into the path of a third semi.